Reliable schedule of prayer times for Toulouse, France for today and the current month - . The exact start time of each five mandatory prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha) is calculated according to the Muslim World League method. Asr-Salah period is determined according to Hanafi Madhhab. You can change the calculation methods used in the .
Prayer Times in Toulouse
- Fajr Dawn
- Shuruq Sunrise
- Dhuhr Midday
- Asr Afternoon
- Maghrib Sunset
- Isha Night
About Namaz and Prayer Times in Toulouse
Namaz, also known as Salah, is the Islamic term for prayer performed by Muslims. It is considered one of the five pillars of Islam and is mandatory for all adult Muslims to perform five times a day.
In Toulouse, France, Muslims have access to numerous mosques where they can perform their daily prayers. The Grand Mosque of Toulouse is the largest mosque in the city and is open to all Muslims for prayer. Other mosques in Toulouse include the Mosque of the Martyrs, the Mosque of the Mirail, and the Mosque of the Carmes.
Muslims in Toulouse, like elsewhere in the world, follow specific prayer times based on the position of the sun throughout the day. These prayer times are known as Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. The exact times of prayer vary depending on the season and location, but generally, Muslims in Toulouse can perform Fajr prayer at dawn, Dhuhr prayer at midday, Asr prayer in the afternoon, Maghrib prayer at sunset, and Isha prayer in the evening.
Many Muslims use prayer timetables to stay updated on the correct prayer times in Toulouse. These timetables are available online, through Islamic centers and mosques, and through various mobile applications.
In recent years, the Muslim population in Toulouse has been growing, and the city’s mosques have been expanding to accommodate the increasing number of worshippers. The Islamic community in Toulouse is active, and Muslims in the city regularly organize events and gatherings to strengthen their faith and build a sense of community.
In conclusion, Namaz or Salah is an essential part of Muslim life, and Muslims in Toulouse, France, have easy access to mosques and prayer facilities. They follow specific prayer times throughout the day and use various resources to stay updated on these times. The Muslim community in Toulouse is active and growing, and the city’s mosques play a vital role in bringing Muslims together to worship and strengthen their faith.
Where to pray in Toulouse
Toulouse is a beautiful city in the south of France known for its rich history, culture and architecture. The city is home to a vibrant Muslim community, which has led to the establishment of several mosques in the area. In this article, we will look at the various mosques in Toulouse and their significance to society.
Masjid Omar ibn al-Khattab
Masjid Omar ibn al-Khattab is one of the most famous mosques in Toulouse. The mosque is located on Rue Louis-Plana in the Saint-Michel district of the city. This mosque has been serving the Muslim community of Toulouse since 1995. The mosque is named after the second caliph of Islam, Omar ibn al-Khattab, known for his leadership and wisdom.
The mosque is large and spacious, it can simultaneously accommodate up to 800 worshipers. It has a prayer hall, a library and several classrooms where children can learn about Islam. The mosque also has an imam who leads daily prayers and delivers Friday sermons. The Imam is knowledgeable and respected in the community, and he provides guidance to the community on matters related to religion and spirituality.
Masjid al-Fath
Masjid al-Fath is another famous mosque in Toulouse. It is located on Rue Louis Plana, just a few minutes’ walk from the Mosque of Omar ibn al-Khattab. The mosque was founded in 1998 and has served the Muslim community of Toulouse ever since. The mosque is named after the Battle of Al-Fath, which involved the Prophet Muhammad and his companions, and which led to the conquest of Mecca.
The mosque is small but cozy, it can accommodate up to 150 worshipers at the same time. It has a prayer hall, a library and a small kitchen where food is prepared for social gatherings. The mosque also has an imam who leads daily prayers and advises the community on religious matters.
Masjid Ar-Rahma
Masjid Ar-Rahma is a mosque located in the Mirail district of Toulouse. The mosque was founded in 2004 and is one of the newest mosques in Toulouse. The mosque is named after the attribute of Allah Ar-Rahma, which means Merciful.
The mosque is spacious and can accommodate up to 500 worshipers at the same time. It has a prayer hall, a library and several classrooms where children can learn about Islam. The mosque also has an imam who leads daily prayers and advises the community on religious matters.
Masjid al-Iman
Masjid al-Iman is a mosque located in the Belfontaine district of Toulouse. The mosque was founded in 2010 and is one of the newest mosques in Toulouse. The mosque is named after Allah’s attribute Al-Imaneh, which means faith or belief.
The mosque is small but cozy, it can simultaneously accommodate up to 100 worshipers. It has a prayer hall, a library and a small kitchen where food is prepared for social gatherings. The mosque also has an imam who leads daily prayers and advises the community on religious matters.
Masjid al-Masjid al-Jamiya
The Masjid al-Jamia is a mosque located in the Saint-Anges district of Toulouse. The mosque was founded in 2003 and has served the Muslim community of Toulouse ever since. The mosque is named after the Arabic word for “mosque” Al-Masjid.
The mosque is small but cozy, it can simultaneously accommodate up to 100 worshipers. It has a prayer hall, a library and a small kitchen where food is prepared for social gatherings. The mosque also has an imam who leads daily prayers and advises the community on religious matters.
In conclusion, the Muslim community of Toulouse is thriving and this is reflected in the number of mosques built in the area. Each of these mosques has its own unique history and significance, and they all play an important role in the spiritual and social life of society. Mosques provide a place for Muslims to come together, worship and learn about Islam, and serve as a symbol of the community’s faith and devotion.
Namaz times in Toulouse for November 2024
Day | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |