Reliable schedule of prayer times for Nantes, France for today and the current month - . The exact start time of each five mandatory prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha) is calculated according to the Muslim World League method. Asr-Salah period is determined according to Hanafi Madhhab. You can change the calculation methods used in the .
Prayer Times in Nantes
- Fajr Dawn
- Shuruq Sunrise
- Dhuhr Midday
- Asr Afternoon
- Maghrib Sunset
- Isha Night
About Namaz and Prayer Times in Nantes
Namaz, also known as Salah, is the mandatory prayer that all Muslims are required to perform five times a day. It is an important ritual in Islam and is considered a way to connect with Allah and seek His guidance, blessings, and forgiveness.
In Nantes, France, there is a significant Muslim population, and as such, there are several mosques and Islamic centers throughout the city where Muslims can go to pray. The most prominent mosque in Nantes is the Mosque Al Nour, located in the city center, which can accommodate up to 1000 worshippers.
In Nantes, prayer times vary depending on the season and the position of the sun. The five daily prayers are as follows:
1. Fajr: This prayer is performed before dawn and is the first prayer of the day. In Nantes, the Fajr time is around 5:00 am.
2. Dhuhr: This prayer is performed after the sun has passed its zenith, typically around noon. In Nantes, the Dhuhr time is around 1:30 pm.
3. Asr: This prayer is performed in the late afternoon, typically around 4:30 pm in Nantes.
4. Maghrib: This prayer is performed just after sunset, typically around 8:45 pm in Nantes.
5. Isha: This prayer is performed after the twilight has disappeared, typically around 10:30 pm in Nantes.
It is important for Muslims in Nantes to keep track of the prayer times and make sure to perform their daily prayers on time. Many mosques and Islamic centers in the city also offer prayer time schedules to help Muslims keep track of the timings.
In conclusion, Namaz is an important aspect of Muslim life and is an essential way for Muslims in Nantes to connect with Allah and seek His guidance and blessings. With the presence of several mosques and Islamic centers throughout the city, Muslims in Nantes have ample opportunities to perform their daily prayers on time and in congregation.
Where to pray in Nantes
Nantes is a beautiful French city with a rich history and culture. Due to its diverse population, the city has several mosques that cater to the needs of the Muslim community. In this article, we will explore the different mosques in Nantes.
1. Mosque El-Fath: Located in the heart of Nantes, Mosque El-Fath is one of the largest and most prominent mosques in the city. It was founded in 1986 and can accommodate up to 1,500 worshippers. The mosque has a beautiful prayer hall, a library, and classrooms where Islamic studies are taught.
2. Mosque Ar-Rahma: This mosque is located in the Saint-Herblain area of Nantes and is another popular place of worship for the Muslim community. It was established in 1997 and can hold up to 1,000 worshippers. The mosque also has a halal butcher shop and a grocery store.
3. Mosque Al-Ihsan: Situated in the Malakoff area of Nantes, Mosque Al-Ihsan is a smaller mosque that was founded in 1999. It has a capacity of around 300 worshippers and also offers Islamic classes for children and adults.
4. Mosque An-Nour: Located in the Dervallières area of Nantes, Mosque An-Nour is a relatively new mosque that was built in 2011. It has a modern design and can hold up to 500 worshippers.
5. Mosque Arrahma: This mosque is located in the Breil area of Nantes and was established in 1996. It has a capacity of around 200 worshippers and also provides educational classes on Islam.
In addition to these mosques, Nantes also has several prayer rooms and Islamic centers that cater to the needs of the Muslim community. These include the Association Culturelle Franco-Musulmane, which is a cultural center that hosts various events and activities.
In conclusion, Nantes is home to several mosques and Islamic centers that provide a place of worship and community for the Muslim population. These places not only offer a space for prayer but also provide opportunities for education and socialization.
Namaz times in Nantes for October 2024
Day | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |