
Prayer Times in Ras Al Khaimah City

Today November
Upcoming Prayer Fajr —
Based on: Umm Al-Qura, Makkah, Shafii

Reliable schedule of prayer times for Ras Al Khaimah City, United Arab Emirates for today and the current month - . The exact start time of each five mandatory prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha) is calculated according to the Umm Al-Qura, Makkah method. Asr-Salah period is determined according to Shafi’i Madhhab. You can change the calculation methods used in the .

Namaz times in Ras Al Khaimah City for November 2024

Day Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha

Frequently Asked Questions about Salah

What time is the Fajr morning prayer starts in Ras Al Khaimah City?

The time of Fajr prayer in Ras Al Khaimah City is performed today from 05:06 to 06:27 hours

When can I pray Dhuhr Namaz in Ras Al Khaimah City today?

The time of Dhuhr namaz (Midday Salah) in Ras Al Khaimah City is starting at 12:00 and ending at 15:10 o'clock

What time is Asr salah time today in Ras Al Khaimah City?

Asr time starts at 15:10 and goes out at 17:33 o'clock

When Azan calling Maghrib time in Ras Al Khaimah City today?

The Maghrib prayer times in Ras Al Khaimah City today: 17:33 - 19:03

What are the timings for Isha salah today in Ras Al Khaimah City?

Adhan calling for Isha time will be at 19:03 o'clock today
Cities near Ras Al Khaimah City
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