Reliable schedule of prayer times for Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates for today and the current month - . The exact start time of each five mandatory prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha) is calculated according to the Umm Al-Qura, Makkah method. Asr-Salah period is determined according to Shafi’i Madhhab. You can change the calculation methods used in the .
Prayer Times in Abu Dhabi
- Fajr Dawn
- Shuruq Sunrise
- Dhuhr Midday
- Asr Afternoon
- Maghrib Sunset
- Isha Night
About Namaz and Prayer Times in Abu Dhabi
Namaz, also known as Salah, is the Islamic prayer performed by Muslims as an act of worship. It is considered one of the Five Pillars of Islam and holds significant importance in the lives of Muslims. Namaz is a way for Muslims to establish a direct connection with Allah and seek His guidance, blessings, and forgiveness.
Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, is home to a diverse Muslim population. The city provides numerous facilities and resources for Muslims to perform their daily prayers conveniently. Mosques can be found throughout Abu Dhabi, serving as places of worship and community gatherings. These mosques not only provide a space for Muslims to offer their prayers but also play an essential role in fostering a sense of unity and brotherhood among the Muslim community.
Muslims in Abu Dhabi, like in other parts of the world, follow a specific prayer schedule known as the prayer times or Salah times. The timing of the five obligatory prayers is based on the position of the sun, and it varies each day. The timings are determined according to the movement of the sun and are divided into five distinct prayer periods:
1. Fajr: This prayer is offered before sunrise when the sky starts to lighten. It is the first prayer of the day and holds great importance.
2. Dhuhr: This prayer is observed around midday when the sun begins to decline. Many Muslims take a break from their daily activities and head to the mosque to perform this prayer.
3. Asr: This prayer is performed in the afternoon, usually around 3 to 4 hours after Dhuhr. It is the third obligatory prayer of the day.
4. Maghrib: This prayer is observed just after sunset when the sun has completely disappeared below the horizon. It is an important prayer, and Muslims break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan after this prayer.
5. Isha: This prayer is offered before midnight, after the evening twilight has disappeared. It is the final mandatory prayer of the day.
In Abu Dhabi, like in many other cities, the prayer times are available through various sources, including local mosques, Islamic centers, mobile applications, and online websites. These resources help Muslims in Abu Dhabi stay updated with accurate and precise prayer timings, ensuring they can fulfill their religious obligations promptly.
Observing Namaz and adhering to the prayer times are integral aspects of a Muslim’s life in Abu Dhabi, as it allows them to maintain a strong connection with Allah and seek His blessings and guidance in their daily lives.
Where to pray in Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, is known for its rich cultural heritage and stunning architectural wonders. One of the significant features of Abu Dhabi is its mosques, which reflect the Islamic traditions and the city’s commitment to religious diversity. Here, we will explore some of the notable mosques in Abu Dhabi that are worth visiting.
1. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is the most iconic mosque in Abu Dhabi and one of the largest mosques in the world. This architectural masterpiece is named after the UAE’s founding father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. The mosque features stunning white marble domes, intricate carvings, and beautiful stained glass windows. It can accommodate over 40,000 worshippers, making it a significant place for Friday prayers and religious gatherings.
2. Sheikh Khalifa Mosque
The Sheikh Khalifa Mosque, also known as Al Ain Mosque, is named after the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. This mosque is located in the Al Mushrif area of Abu Dhabi and is known for its exquisite design and impressive blue and white minarets. The mosque can accommodate around 7,000 worshippers and is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.
3. Al Wahda Mosque
Located in the Al Mushrif district, Al Wahda Mosque is a prominent religious landmark in Abu Dhabi. This mosque stands out with its unique architecture, featuring a blend of modern and traditional Islamic designs. With its stunning dome and elegant minarets, Al Wahda Mosque is a place of worship for the Muslim community and welcomes visitors from all backgrounds.
4. Al Aziz Mosque
Situated in the Al Bateen area of Abu Dhabi, Al Aziz Mosque is a beautiful mosque that showcases traditional Islamic architectural elements. The mosque’s intricate details and beautiful geometric patterns are a treat for the eyes. Al Aziz Mosque is known for its serene atmosphere and warm hospitality, providing visitors with an immersive experience of Islamic culture and spirituality.
5. Fatima bint Mubarak Mosque
The Fatima bint Mubarak Mosque, named after Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, the Mother of the Nation, is a stunning mosque located in the Al Ain region of Abu Dhabi. This mosque is renowned for its grandeur and elegance, with its magnificent domes, minarets, and intricate calligraphy adorning the walls. The mosque is a testament to the UAE’s commitment to empowering women and promoting religious harmony.
These are just a few of the many mosques that can be found in Abu Dhabi. Each mosque has its own unique charm and significance, contributing to the spiritual and cultural fabric of the city. Visitors are welcome to explore these mosques and experience the beauty of Islamic architecture and the essence of religious devotion. It is a testament to Abu Dhabi’s commitment to preserving its heritage and promoting a message of peace and tolerance.
Namaz times in Abu Dhabi for November 2024
Day | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |